The Seattle Malaria Clinical Trials Center (MCTC) at Fred Hutch conducts a variety of studies to investigate, treat, and prevent infectious diseases in people. We are recruiting adult volunteers who are interested in participating in these types of clinical trials. The Seattle MCTC partners with other research institutions to conduct some research studies.

In preparation for any current or future studies, we are currently conducting this web-based screening survey to determine preliminary eligibility and develop a list of possible volunteers who might be eligible for one of our current or future studies.

If you are interested in taking part in one of our studies, the survey includes some personal questions about your contact information, medical history and present health condition. Answers to these questions help us determine if you may meet the minimum requirements for upcoming studies. This survey should take you approximately 10 – 15 minutes. We ask that you complete this survey once and in one sitting.

The risks associated with participating in this screening survey may include the following: You may feel uncomfortable providing private health information. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer and you can stop this screening survey at any time.

All efforts to maintain confidentiality will be made, but absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Your records are accessible only by our staff and will not be shared with anyone else without your written permission, unless required for monitoring by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or regulatory authorities or as required by law.

There are no direct benefits or cost to you for participating but your participation may benefit others in the future. Your alternative to participate is to not participate.

Your answers are recorded in our secure electronic database. If you decide to no longer participate, your information will be permanently removed from our database upon written request by email. You will receive contacts periodically from the Seattle MCTC through phone or email to inquire regarding your continued interests in upcoming trials, and to update contact information and medical history.

If you have any questions or complaints during or after this survey, please contact our clinic staff at (206) 667-3468 or by email at

(*is required information needed to complete and submit this online survey)

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